Make sure to use landscape display


readme.txt -‌-FILE-‌>
cowsay.txt -‌-FILE-‌> -‌-FILE-‌>
conway.exe -‌-FILE-‌>
wrdsrch.exe -‌-FILE-‌>
quit.exe -‌-FILE-‌>

/.. <UP-FOL‌>
affine.exe -‌-FILE-‌>
vigenere.exe -‌-FILE-‌>
/.. <UP-FOL‌>
theme.cfg ‌>------<
sound.cfg ‌>------<
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Hello! My name is Thomas, and I'm a BSc Computer Science undergraduate at the University of Leeds since September 2021. I've also studied the subject at both GCSE and A-Level.

I'm interested in the study of artifical intelligence and machine learning technologies, which help us to develop innovative solutions to challenging, real-world problems and shape the world as we know it today. Other interests of mine include cyber security, data structures and algorithms, cryptography, and operating systems.

When it comes to software development, I work on the back-end, where most of my programming experience is in C, C++, Java, and Python. Some interesting projects that I have completed during my time at university include CLI tools for image manipulation, a memory management library for the UNIX xv6 operating system, and a compiler for the JACK programming language.

Here you can find some small programs I have written and decided to put on this website (which was part of a project for one of my web development modules). The design is inspired from the game SuperHot. Navigate the file system on the left to interact with them!

I hope you enjoy :)

- Thomas

/ Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth   \
| Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It's   |
| not a story the Jedi would tell you.     |
| It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was   |
| a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and |
| so wise he could use the Force to        |
| influence the midichlorians to create    |
| life. He had such a knowledge of the     |
| dark side that he could even keep the    |
| ones he cared about from dying. The dark |
| side of the Force is a pathway to many   |
| abilities some consider to be unnatural. |
| He became so powerful, the only thing    |
| he was afraid of was losing his power,   |
| which eventually, of course, he did.     |
| Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice  |
| everything he knew, then his apprentice  |
| killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He      |
| could save others from death, but not    |
\ himself.                                 /
         \   ^__^                           
          \  (oo)\_______                   
             (__)\       )\/\               
                 ||----w |                  
                 ||     ||                  

Not my stream, but I find it funny enough to put here

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